Sébastien Foucan – Free Runner, Artist, ‘Casino Royale’ Actor and Coach


Today it is our privilege to bring you an interview with Free Runner, Artist, ‘Casino Royale’ Actor, and coach: Sébastien Foucan. We discuss the importance of movement in our day to day lives, how Seb’s training has developed over time to incorporate other disciplines, his approach to following his passions and much more…

What are some of the most notable performances in adverts, films, etc… they you have done to date?

The most notable performances to me are: Nike Angry Chicken , Jump London, James Bond “Casino Royale”.

How has your approach to training changed over time and developed to incorporate other disciplines?

My approach always has been toward self-development.

It evolves to wanting to become good then the best prepared I can be regarding my opportunities and then to the healthiest possible I can be in order to enjoy movement.

I started taking influences from traditional sport first then later with the experience I started to do my own and experiment things I believe were missing. Example being more mindful of how we are influenced by our environment.


What importance do you believe movement and ‘play’ has in our day to day lives?

Playing got a huge importance for me. It is key to learn anything and it is also how animals learn to prepare themselves for the adversity of life.

“Activity is vitality” to move is crucial for health mentally and physically.

Training can often be boring and play makes it more interesting.

How did your passion for free running/ parkour begin?

It all begins from my childhood.

Can you tell us a bit more about your passion for art and drawing?

Many people know me as a guy who is jumping around but I am first artist.

Drawing is my form of meditation.
Wherever I look around I interpret it through my artistic eye.

What does the often used free running phrase ‘free your mind’ mean?

It means what Morpheus in The Matrix movie says to Neo! 🙂

to be short: It means think differently, out of the box and believe in yourself.


Can you tell us more about the work your academy does?

My work in my academy is to convey activity with a playful touch. I make sure that we encourage to move in a positive way.

What’s your approach to goal-setting and finding balance?

My approach is: Start with finding your Passion and to visualise your big picture.

What do I want to be doing in my life?

Finding balance is to me part of our life journey.

Balance is always in motion.

What are your goals and plans for future?

My goal is:

To be the best version of myself and to achieve my full potential so I can inspire others to do the same.

To take care of my present so my future will take care by itself.


Instagram: @sebastienfoucanoffical

Interviewer: @tudge_

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